These docs where originally written in German and translated by 2fAST/TRSI tHE sTORY Once in time, in Fornsbach, as dragons, wizards and unicons still excists, lived two wizards, Wotan and Beligor. And they nothing else to do as doing nosense. On a beautifull day on a way to a new joke, Wotan had an idea. He wanted to put Beligors wizard-stick in a huge labyrinth. Beligor thought as first, that this AUFGABE is easy to solve, but he failed. At the 8th AUFGABE Beli- gor stopped the search and he had to found someone, who will help him with all the hard AUFGABEN... He found some adverturers, who should help him to solve the problems and he would have them 500 goldSTUECKE, if they succeed... But also these person failed... Beligor was down and there was only one, who is able to solve the AUFGABEN! oVERALL IMAGEMS should work on all Amiga's (500(+),600,1000,1200,2000,2500,3000 and 4000) with a minimum of 1mb workspace. If you owe a machine with only 512KB Chip-mem, then you should turn off all external disk-drives. hOW tO lOAD Simply put that IMAGEMS-DISK into DF0: and reset your machine. The programm will load by himself. eRRORS If you find some errors, send the disc back and note the disc-error on a sheet and send it directly to the factory you ordered the game. iNTRODUTION tHE iNTRO After the Brainwave-Intro, the titlepicture will appeer on the screen, after that a little demonstration of the game(how you play it) tHE mENU After you stopped the demonstartion by pressing button on JOY#2 the following screen will appeer... -> NAME:BRAINWAVE <- LEVEL 01: OPAL START GAME SEE HIGHSCORES END & SAVE Now you can move the arrows with the JOY#2 by pressing up or down and fire to select lEVEL After every solved level you will get a password for the next one, so just write it down... sTART gAME The game will start with the entered(password) level... sEE hIGHSCORES Just see your gambling... Every level owes an own highscore-table, left and right at JOY#2 means one table left/right, up and down at JOY#2 means five tables left/right. eND & sAVE The prgramm saves your highscore and the level you finished and quitted! tHE gAME You have to put all MUSTER within the time in the right way. Solved MUSTER will explode and you will get some points for them. If you solved all MUSTER, then you solved the level... oTHERS Balls will always roll to a thing, who stop them, like a wall. SCHRANKEN will stop a ball/box with red, if the SCHRANKE is blue, but left pass them if the objects are blue. The Colourchanger chances the colour of any objects. The Generator, which that machine it's possible to mix colours but only at balls. aT tHE kEYBOARD P = PAUSE pauses the game and shows you all AUFGABEN from one level ESC = ESACPE press it twice and you will return to the main, press it once and after that the button, then you return with a new life to the game. tHE cREDITS Programming - Andreas Bombik Graphics - Michael Haebich Music - Michael Haebich Levels - Sascha Janke Michael Haebich Andreas Bombik Documentation - Andreas Bombik Michael Haebich